Hello Happy Friends!
How was your Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday? :D
So many cool days! We hope you enjoyed all these days! <3
BUT! WAIT! There's more! ;)
Did you know today is #GivingTuesday ?! <3
Sounds like the coolest day ever!! ;)
"Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year and a growing catalog of resources."
You can read more about it here! >>> https://www.givingtuesday.org/about
I think I like #GivingTuesday more than #TongueOutTuesday ! :D
And today, Best Friends Animal Society is MATCHING YOUR DONATIONS 100%!
"On Giving Tuesday, people around the world come together in a unique act of kindness. Be a part of the celebration and goodwill by making a gift to help homeless pets across the country. And in the spirit of working together to Save Them All, your gift today will be matched 100%!"
Please check out http://bestfriends.org for more info!
Let's celebrate #GivingTuesday by helping our furry friends! <3
Also check out our past blog posts for Best Friends! :)