Hello Happy Friends! Today I will show you the airport doggy restrooms(dog relief areas) in Los Angeles Airtport(LAX) and Seattle Airport(SEA)
If you wanna find if your local airport has dog restroom, google your airport name + dog relief area. LAX(Los Angeles Airport) https://www.flylax.com/-/media/flylax/pdfs/amenities-at-lax/lax-pet-relief-locations.ashx?la=en&hash=85983411A8C9B043B3FC4EF9D0DB98F18C69E036
Seattle Airport
https://www.portseattle.org/services-amenities/traveling-pets Dog Airline Carrier Bag we used
It's a budget option, try to get darker color because pink one we have tends to get dirty fast. :) https://amzn.to/2xOwPad (affiliate link) The best option for Dog Airline Carrier Bag(we would buy next time) https://amzn.to/2NCzheD (affiliate link)