Hello Happy Friends! <3
Long time no see! :D
We are back on our blog! :)
It's been so long since our last online activity...
We were going thru some stuff in life...
So we couldn't spend any time online...
Sometimes it's nice to go away and take a break for yourself. <3
Maybe we took too long time...
Sorry if you were worried!
And thank you for waiting for us! <3
So here's what we've been up to! :D
We were going hiking a lot! ;)
We found some cool trails near Dodger Stadium.
We saw a giant snake, a rabbit, lizards and bunch of other stuff. :D
Ever since we saw the giant snake, we haven't gone back to the trail...LOL!
But it's been really nice going hiking often. <3
Makes us feel SUPER! :D
Can you feel my SUPER HAPPY POWER?! <3
We are back on YouTube!
We will be posting videos regularly, so please subscribe and stay tuned! :)
PS - We will go back on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook soon.
Plus visit all our favorite Blogs too.
So much catch up to do! :D
Meanwhile, check out this video! <3
Please turn on CC for Subtitle. ;)