Lost in Los Angeles

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Hello Happy Friends! :)
It's Happy the Explorer.
Let's get lost in Los Angeles! <3

Los Angeles

Me and my mommy went on a little hiking journey near downtown. :)

I felt like Batman looking at downtown from here. ;)

It looks dangerous but it's actually very safe spot.
I could just easily jump down either side.

But I didn't.
I just wanted to feel like Batman for little while.

I closed my eyes and started imagining I was real Batman.
I felt pretty cool!
You should try it too. :)

There were so many tall palm trees.

Los Angeles Palm Trees

Beautiful day like this makes me so happy. :)

Wait a minute...
What is that?
We found Dodger Stadium! :D

It was my first time seeing Dodger Stadium!
Mommy told me she's been there couple of times.

And she told me they sell Dodger Dogs there.
They sell dogs?! I asked.
She laughed and said it's the name of the Hot Dogs!
Then we started laughing together. :D

We also spotted Hollywood sign from here!
Although you can see it so much closer HERE, HERE and HERE. :)

We kept on walking along the palm trees. <3

Los Angeles Palm Trees

Los Angeles Palm Trees

Then we got to this spot called Angels Point! <3

So I started looking for angels.

But instead I found a sign for coyotes! @_@!

Where are you angels?

Mommy told me I'm the angel! :)
I wanted to be Batman but I decided to be an angel for her. ;)

We sat down on a table looking at Dodger Stadium and got some rest.

Mommy was gonna take some cool pictures with my treats but I started eating them right away. :)

Don't forget to take water and snacks when you go hiking! <3

Then we said bye Dodger Stadium and headed back home.

Los Angeles Police Academy

We also saw Los Angeles Police Academy.
So many discoveries today! :)

On the way back, we couldn't find a way down and were lost for a long time.
But it was so much fun exploring and discovering new things. :)

It's okay to get lost sometimes.
Just keep on smiling and keep on walking.
Get some rest if you need but never give up! :)
Keep going!
You will find a way and get a yummy treat! <3

Don't forget to enter our giveaway for all natural dog treats from yesterday's POST! :)

Check out my friends on BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday! <3

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