Hello from Los Angeles!
Happy Wednesday to you! <3
How are you doing today?
The weather has been really beautiful these days in LA!
And Happy was called The LA Dog by his Instagram friends. :)
That's an honor Happy! ;)
Happy lived in LA all his life! :)
I lived here 13 years. :)
We love LA. <3
Happy thinks this park is his own backyard. :)
Every time we come here he flies! <3
Watch this Video on our Instagram!
One of my biggest wish since I was a little girl was live in a house with a yard so I can have a big dog. :)
Now I still have the same wish. :)
But I want a big dog and a cat too. ;)
Don't worry Happy! You will always be the pack leader. <3
This sweet dog took Happy's new toy! ;)
Happy was happy because his new friend was happy! :)
It was Official Hot Dog Football from HotDogCollars.com
They had so much fun playing with it!
Check out this Video on our Instagram!
It's super squeaky and super fun. ;)
All dogs were going crazy. <3
Especially this one! :)
He was such a sweet and cute dog!
We wanted to give it to him.
But after he played with it, he brought it back to us!
Such a smart doggy! :)
Happy had so much fun with his new friend sharing his new toy!
It was a beautiful day in LA! :)
Hope you guys are enjoying your beautiful summer days! <3