Happy #MondayMotivation with Happy :)

Hello Happy Friends!
It's me, Happy the Motivator! ;)
Happy Monday to You! <3

Why do they always come back us?

We were all enjoying happy weekends, then all of sudden you wake up...

Bam, it's Monday again!

Why can't it be weekend everyday? ;)

Why Mondays always making us feel so down?

Then out of nowhere, this amazing thought came to my head!

"Everyday is a new day and you can make it a Happy day!" <3

It doesn't matter it's Monday or vet day or even dentist day! ;)

Whenever you wake up on Monday mornings, tell yourself...
"Hey, I'm gonna have a Happy day no matter what!" :)
You can say this every morning too. <3

It works every time! :D
Monday can't stop you from being happy!

You are so much stronger than Mondays! ;)

If you still feel too tired and feel like you need some more motivation...

I also have an idea for that! ;)

Take a little nap!
It's okay to get rest. :)
Nap is really healthy for you too! <3
You can wake up refreshed and recharged for so much more happiness! :D
Please never feel guilty about taking a nap.
Your mind and body deserve a good rest from this busy world! <3
Happy Monday Everyone! :)

We are joining Bentley & Pierre from Barking from the Bayou and Oz the Terrier
to support Flea from Jones Natural Chews in her fighting for cancer! <3

We will be praying for your healing!
Sending you so much love! <3
You can do this!
You are so much stronger than cancer! :D