Fun Beach Date with Happy the Surfer Boy! Review

Fun Beach Date
Hello! Happy Monday Happy Friends! <3
Meet the Surfer Boy Happy! :)

*Happy received store credit from 
We were not paid to write this post.
We only post our real experience and honest opinion. :)

It's October but it's still warm and sunny in LA.
So we headed to the beach! :)

Happy got this cool Surfer Boy T-Shirt from HotDogCollars!

Surfer Boy
So perfect for the beach! :)

Happy was feeling so cool with his new shirt! ;)

He started acting like a real surfer dude! ;)

What's up dude!

I surf like this bro!

Balance like this! ;)

He gets so happy for anything! ;)

Smile Dog
Just by thinking he's a surfer boy, he was so happy! <3

People were calling him surfer boy too! :)

It has this cute hibiscus flower printings on the side makes this even cooler! :)

Like a Hawaiian Surfer Boy!


Take me to Hawaii! ;) 

Happy found this surfboard!

Surf Dog
He actually really thought he became a surfer boy! ;)

Striking a pose like a surfer with his surfboard! <3

Let's go surfing mommy!

I got a surfboard and a shirt!
I'm a surfer boy! ;) I just need to learn how to surf...:D

This little boy just wants to be everything! <3
Whatever makes you happy, HAPPY! :)

Check out Happy's other cool clothing review blog posts here!

You can purchase this Surfer Boy or Surfer Girl shirt from here! :)