Hello March! - Cuteness Madness :)

cute dog
Hello! It's March!
March 5th to be exact...
But, check out my new blog design update and these cute faces of Happy!

This innocent baby face is so adorable.
And so rare to capture with this rascal boy. 

Who's excited for the Spring?!
Happy : "ME ME ME!" :)
Me too.

Wait, do we even have spring here in LA?
Today was like summer already. :)

It was rainy,cloudy and freezing last week.
Freezing in LA is not really actually freezing honestly.
I don't remember how I used to live in Korea in the icy cold snowy winter.
And I used to love winter. How? Why?
 I do not understand me. Hahaha.

Times flew and I flew, here I am surrounded by palm trees and sunshine.
Loving summer so much, forgetting how fun it was to make a snowman.
It was really fun in the snow, but now I'd rather be at the beach. 
Sand is my new snow. :) and kinda sound like a poem. :)

Anyways, March is a happy month.
Feels like a new beginning after a lunar new year and warmth and brightness.
So with that energy, I started working on updating my blog and online stuff today. :)

Spring reminds me of flowers and butterflies and everything pretty and beautiful.
Hope you have a wonderful March and lovely Spring time. <3