Hello...My name is Happy and I am dirty. :)
Umm...as long as your happy I'm happy, Happy!
I mean, just look at his smile! :)
This smile makes me forget about everything. It's like magic!
I call it a Dog Magic! ... I just made that up, but dogs' smiles are so magical? Aren't they?
We should all be like this guy, just have some fun in life! :)
Happy says, "Don't be afraid to get dirty, enjoy happiness.". <3
Then I had to catch this happy face and put him back on the leash, because the park ranger was coming by.
He started making "Why are you doing this to me" face. :)
One day, he will understand. Maybe one day.
One day, he will understand. Maybe one day.
Until then, he will be running and running again.
Hope you have some fun today and be happy!