The Last week of the First month of 2015

Good Evening Everyone!
Can you believe it's already the last week of January?
It really went by fast. Time always flies. Like Happy right here. :)

How's your new year resolutions are going?
Are you still running towards your goal? :)

I felt little tired today, so I took a nap.
It's really important to listen to our body. Although I wanted to push myself to post a blog early and edit some video clips. I chose to rest and now I feel better enough edit photos and write a new blog post with a new idea.

So if you feel any tired from all this month working hard towards your new year resolutions,
please take some time and go out to a near nature and refresh and recharge yourself.
Or take a nap. You deserve it! <3

How was your first month of this new year?
I'm so glad I finally started a blog and a youtube channel.
It took me a long time for me to have a little courage to reconnect with the world.

It's always these little things, I like to appreciate and feeling grateful for in life, makes me so happy!
So if you are reading this, thank you so much for being part of my happiness! <3

I'm really looking forward to get better with my health this year.
So I can get back on my feet, get back on the track and all that good stuff. :)
Health is the most important thing. Our mind and body need our love and care.

We don't take care our own self then who will?!

Start today, love your body and love yourself! Still have a week to restart this year! :)

So excited for my journey of life with this cool dog right here with this cool sweater on. <3
What are you excited for?

Happy: "Now somebody get me out of this sweater." :)

Thank you for stopping by. Sending love and smile! <3