Be Free! <3
Is this a face of the freedom?
He got the whole dog park for himself.
And it's the large dog area. He feels like a king!
It's all mine! Hahahaha :)
I rule the world!...of dog park...for now...before the big dogs come. :)
Happy loves big dogs but sometimes big dogs pick on him or want to play rough.
He gets bothered, but never scared!
He always stands up for himself (literally stands up on his two feet and stretch his front legs up, he gets so taller) and let them know firmly that he's not scared but just bothered.
Then most of the big dogs goes away and Happy plays around freely.
I've seen other small dogs are so scared, they start running away or try to hide.
Then big dogs keep bother them.
Know when and how to say "No" is so important.
Boundaries are crucial for our freedom and happiness.
See, we gotta stand up for ourselves! :)
I always learn from Happy. He's my little life coach. <3