We are finally doing what we've been wanted to do for a very long time...
It's a weekly tarot reading for zodiac signs!
Last weekend was Spring Equinox.
In astrology, this is the beginning of a new year.
I felt like, today is a great time to start something new. Since today is the first monday of the "new year".
Before we begin...please remember!
Tarot is for guidance, showing you a probable outcome, not a definite answer.
You have free will and you can create your own future.
Please use and honor your own intuition.
Happy new week everybody!
Have a beautiful week ahead!
March 21 - April 19
If you've been worrying, hesitating and feeling lost all alone, now is the time to go forward again. This week, let go of anxiety and worries from uncertain future and just take the first step and start!
You will have courage and passion for a new beginning. Also, it will be a good time, spending time with your family or little weekend trip with your dog too.
April 20 - May 20
This week, you need to take a break from all the
stress you have from work, study, exams or your children. Take it easy, get some good sleep, take a bath, gift yourself a good rest. You deserve it. Don't let anyone stop you for spending time for yourself. Just relax and you will feel so much lighter and better.
May 21 - June 21
If you've been feeling like something is missing in your life, you will find that missing piece this week! But first you need to open your heart to receive the blessing. It seems like you will have a really good and lucky week ahead. You might get gifts, money or someone might ask you out for a date. If someone gives you a complement, make sure you say thank you and recieve it, rather than just denying it. For example, someone tell you, you are pretty, say thank you instead of saying no I'm not. This will bring you a good luck!
June 22 - July 22
If your life has been out of balance and you've been out of alignment, now is the time to rebuild your life and center yourself. Use your failure to feed your new better life. Anybody can become successful. Believe in yourself! Just imagine yourself successful and start over again. You've become stronger through your hard times. Don't mind how others see you, just focus on your own path and keep going. You are amazing.
July 23 - August 22
It's time to take a look inside of yourself. This week, you might contemplate on your work and relationships. You need to get rid of anything what longer serves you deep down inside.
If you get rejected or ignored, don't take it personally. It's their problem, not your problem.
Don't let anyone, judge your values.
Trust yourself, trust your heart, like you always have been.
August 23 - September 22
It's gonna be a busy week. You might feel like there are so much going on and feeling so out of it. So much to do, too many people around, many places you want to go! Try to stay calm, and prioritize things and write them down. Hang in there. By weekend, you will feel so much lighter and better. You will be able to feel much relaxed and find answers to the things that were stagnant. It will feel like seeing a light at the end of the tunnel! You have a same card as Leo, you might want to call your Leo friend or family!
September 23 - October 23
This week is quite relaxing. Your mind is at ease and it's peaceful around you. If you are planning something new, you don't need to hurry. Take it easy and take time to get well prepared. Focus on one thing, so you won't get any mental distress. Go on a hike on a nice day, you will get a good idea and inspiration for a new project.
October 24 - November 21
If you've been so hard on yourself, now is the time to be little gentle with yourself.
Be nice to yourself. Gift yourself something you've been wanted to buy, eat something you've been wanted to eat. Just don't sit and wait for others to do something for you. This week, you make yourself happy first, before anyone does!
November 22 - December 21
This week, you finally get to start something you've been planning for a while. Also you will get the message you've been waiting for, too.
You will be able to let go of all the disappointments from the past and you will get the opportunity to start something new.
Anxiety will be gone and you will find courage and motivation. You might eat out at a nice restaurant too.
December 22 - January 19
New ideas and new opportunities to learn and grow for those who's been wanting to challenge something new in their life. This challenge might change your whole life. It's gonna be a chance for you to be yourself and express yourself! Go out and get some sunlight and good energy. Take care of your family and friends, call your loved ones and see how they're doing.
January 20 - February 18
Age is just a number is the best way to describe your week ahead. This week is filled with happiness and laughters. You will have fun like a innocent child, no matter what age you are. Do something you always liked to do when you were little. Like riding a bike or rollerblading. Legos or something like that. You will feel like you are healing your inner child. If you have kids or pets, try to spend time with them as much as possible. Just be like them, have fun together and forget about everything else. Just be happy!
February 19 - March 20
This week, if someone suggest you to work together or ask you out, pause and think, if this person is really going to be really good for you in a long term or just using you for now. Don't just settle or under estimate yourself. If you feel like you are missing out on this person or opportunity, just know that something better is coming and it's on its way. Meditation is good for you this week. Before you fall asleep, imagine yourself having what you want, you are highly likely manifest it this week.