Happy Friday Happy Friends!
It's me, Happy! :)
Happy Blogmas Day 4!
Me and Mommy has been kinda quiet on our Instagram(@happpyhazzzel).
We are so close to 2000 followers!
You are welcome to join us. :D
One of our good friend @peglegmartini made us this logo few weeks ago. Check it out! :)
Isn't this the coolest logo ever? ;)
We were so thankful for this thoughtful gift!
You guys should follow @peglegmartini on Instagram!
Mommy's been thinking about a lot of things these days.
December makes her think a lot.
It's the end of the year and also so close to the new beginning of the year too!
So much thoughts and emotions at the same time.
She's such a lost little soul. :)
But I love her, she still takes me out to my favorite parks and play with me and everything.
She's pretty cool! ;)
I think it's important to go outside when you feel like staying inside.
I know I'm a dog and I just love being outside.
But it feels so good to breathe in some fresh air and looking at blue skies. <3
It will help you feel better too!
So let's go for a walk!
It's good for dogs and humans!
Let's be happy and healthy! Yay!
Woo, I see a duck!
I'm a dog, I love ducks! ;)
And maybe you will find some inspiration!
Like this duck! ;)
So if you feel little overwhelmed or little frustrated about December and a new year coming up,
go outside and absorb all the good energy and relax in the nature like me.
I'm quite a philosopher at heart.
Just like my mommy! ;)
Wait, where did the duck go?
Anyways, Blogmas must go on! ;)
Have a beautiful weekend everyone! <3