It's Happy! :D
I took a selfie this morning and I woke up like this! ;)
Today and Tomorrow and then NEW YEAR?!
Only two days left!!
Can you believe it?
I just posted this picture on my Instagram(@happpyhazzzel).
Lots of smiles and happiness this year. :D
I hope Penny(on the left in the middle row) is adopted already. <3
Pretty cool huh? ;)
You can make yours on 2015bestnine.com
Thank you all the loves in 2015!
We have almost 2000 followers now!
So amazing! <3
How are you spending your last days of 2015?
I think looking back at your photos of this year is a good idea too. :)
I wish your 2015 was a great one and wishing you even greater year in 2016! ;)
I'm hoping to show you more of funny happy smiles for you! :)
Oh wait! One More Thing!
You know I've been an Official Spokesdog for HotDogCollars.com for 2015!
They are having a $5 clearance sale right now!
My favorite shirts and more cool stuffs are only $5! ;)
Check it out before they're gone! :D
Check out my reviews for HotDogCollars here!
Also check out my cute friends on Wordless Wednesday BlogHop by Blogpaws! <3